martes, 25 de mayo de 2010

why does it impact us?

This news article really surprised us in our group. Mainly, it surprises us because it means that there are crack vendors on the run in many places. It also means that maybe there could be more violence in part of the USA just to get this man. This is why it impacts us.

Emergency declared in parts of Jamaican capital

By the CNN Wire Staff
May 25, 2010
On Tuesday, in Kingston, Jamaica residents fought against security forces to prevent the extraction of a drug dealer. The prime minister has declared ta state of emergency in some parts of Kingston, Jamaica. Some schools were closed, and the US embassy closed its doors. The name of the drug dealer is Christopher "Dudus" Coke. Violence started on Monday, when they attac
ked some suspects. US helicopters dropped explosives near the area of Cokes stronghold of drugs. The peoples reaction is to block the roads to the military. The day before, two officers were killed in the protests. Coke is in a top target list in the US.

lunes, 17 de mayo de 2010

Why does this Impact us??

This impacts our group because it can possibly ruin many people's plans, and or destinations. This also impact us because they said that this could last about 5 days. This volcanic ash problem can leave many people stranded for days in places they don't know, or airports. This is why it impacts us.

London airports reopen as volcanic ash disrupts flights

London airports reopen as volcanic ash disrupts flights

By Richard Allen Greene, CNN
May 17, 2010


On Monday morning several European airports re opened after being closed by an ash cloud over night. The closure of the airport severely disrupted traveling schedule, this happened in airports on London, Amsterdam, Dublin, Wales and Scotland. European officials expect over a thousand flights will be canceled. If the volcano Eyjafjallajokull continues to erupt like it is right now air travel in the UK could be delayed until Tuesday. This is the continuation of the eruptions that started in April. Volcanic ash can reduce the visibility, can cause jet engines to fail.

jueves, 13 de mayo de 2010

why does it impact us?

This article impacts us because many people got killed and we fly a lot on airplanes. This will make Airbus be not so good because more Airbus planes have crashed and less Boeing planes have crashed. I feel sad for this kid because he lost his family. If I was that boy I would have preferred dying because if survived you'll be sad a lot of time.

70 Dutch passengers killed in Libyan plane crash

70 Dutch passengers killed in Libyan plane crash

By the CNN Wire Staff

May 13, 2010


Yesterday,a plane crashed in Lydia killing 103 people, 70 of those were Dutch. A 9 year old Dutch boy is the only survivor of the plane crash, officials said. The boys parents and brother were killed immediately in a plane crash. The plane crashed while trying to land at the Tripol
i International Airport. The plane was nearly done with a 9 hour trip when it crashed at about 6 a.m. It was one of the biggest planes this airline company owned. The President of the European Parliament said that it "was a miracle that the boy survived". Besides Dutch, French, British, Zimbabwean, Germans, Libyans and Austria were also killed.

miércoles, 5 de mayo de 2010

Why does this Impact us??

This article impacts me because a terrorist was going to escape. Even though the security in the airports seems good, by this article it seems bad because a terrorist was going to escape. Also this makes the other airlines see the no fly list. In the end, both the government and security at airports should be more careful.

Lapses Allowed Suspect to Board Plane


Published: May 4, 2010


A man called Faisal Shahzad boarded a plane to go to Dubai 24 hours after he was suspected to be part of the attempted bombing in Times Square. The plane was stopped before it would leave. The FBI and the Department of Homeland Security conducted an investigation to stop the suspected terrorist. The Mayor of New York City Michael R. Bloomberg said that they were just lucky to find this terrorist before it left. Many government officials such as Attorney General Erick Holder and the Janet Napolitano was a great teamwork and t
hat they were never concerned that he would never escape. He was connected to the attack investigators believe because he bought the car that contained the bomb. Currently the man is in custody.