jueves, 13 de mayo de 2010

70 Dutch passengers killed in Libyan plane crash

70 Dutch passengers killed in Libyan plane crash

By the CNN Wire Staff

May 13, 2010


Yesterday,a plane crashed in Lydia killing 103 people, 70 of those were Dutch. A 9 year old Dutch boy is the only survivor of the plane crash, officials said. The boys parents and brother were killed immediately in a plane crash. The plane crashed while trying to land at the Tripol
i International Airport. The plane was nearly done with a 9 hour trip when it crashed at about 6 a.m. It was one of the biggest planes this airline company owned. The President of the European Parliament said that it "was a miracle that the boy survived". Besides Dutch, French, British, Zimbabwean, Germans, Libyans and Austria were also killed.

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